Why Won’T My Hair Take Color After Bleaching?

Are you frustrated with your hair not taking color after bleaching? Discover the reasons behind this hair dilemma and find effective solutions to achieve vibrant, long-lasting color. Let’s dive in!

Why Won’T My Hair Take Color After Bleaching?

Why Won'T My Hair Take Color After Bleaching?

Reason #1: High Porosity

One common issue that can impede hair from absorbing color is high porosity. Porosity refers to how absorbent your hair is, determined by the number of cuticles on each hair strand and their ability to open up and take in products. Hair with high porosity struggles to retain moisture, making it difficult for dyes or other coloring treatments to be absorbed effectively.

To enhance color absorption, use products specially formulated for porous hair before coloring to help the dye penetrate deeply and adhere to each strand.

Reason #2: Insufficient Processing Time

When the processing time is shortened, the coloring product doesn’t have enough time to fully develop on the hair shafts. Consequently, the hair may not retain the color deeply or for an extended period. To maximize the benefits of the product, follow the instructions on the package meticulously and leave it in for the recommended duration.

Reason #3: Excess Bleaching

Another potential issue is the presence of excessive bleach in your hair after bleaching. This can lead to dull or faded results when new colors are applied, as there is no base tone for them to build upon.

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If this is a concern, try using a clarifying shampoo before applying new color to eliminate any excess bleach from your strands. This will establish a better foundation for the dye and result in brighter and more vivid outcomes.

Reason #4: Hair Damage or Breakage

Hair damage or breakage may also hinder the hair’s ability to absorb color properly, particularly in bleached locks. Over-bleaching or excessive processing can create weak spots in the hair shaft, preventing dyes from penetrating deeply enough to achieve vibrant results.

To repair damaged bleached strands, incorporate nourishing masks and conditioning treatments designed for bleached hair into your routine between coloring processes. This will help restore and strengthen your hair, allowing it to hold onto color more effectively.

Why is my hair not holding colour?

Why is my hair not holding colour?

In many instances, a color that doesn’t hold can be attributed to a lack of proper treatment. However, when it comes to home coloring, the issue often lies in the coloring process itself.

Uneven application, insufficient waiting time, or using the wrong product for the desired outcome can all contribute to the problem. Additionally, your hair might have been sensitized by harsh products or excessive heat from styling devices, damaging the cuticles, which logically leads to poor color retention. Therefore, it is crucial to revitalize your hair with targeted treatments before embarking on the coloring process.

Why is my damaged hair not taking color?

Why is my damaged hair not taking color?

Regrettably, dry and damaged hair struggles to retain color effectively. Damaged strands have loose cuticles with numerous holes, tears, and gaps along their surface. Although these gaps facilitate the entry of dye pigments into your hair, they also prevent your hair from holding onto the color, leading to quick bleeding and fading. While eliminating damage is not an easy task, you can take the following steps to start moving in the right direction:

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1. Get regular trims to remove split ends and prevent further damage.
2. Use hair products rich in proteins to help strengthen and repair your hair.
3. Ensure your hair receives plenty of moisture through conditioning treatments and hydrating products.

Can I apply hair color after bleaching?

Can I apply hair color after bleaching?

For those considering dyeing their hair after bleaching, it’s advisable to wait for two weeks before coloring. However, if your hair feels strong and healthy, there’s no strict need to wait that long. Nonetheless, waiting for this period can be a cautious approach and won’t cause any harm to your hair.

Why won’t my white hair hold color?

Why won't my white hair hold color?

As per hair biology experts and styling professionals, grey hair exhibits greater resistance to color when compared to younger hair due to its unique texture. The reduced presence of natural oils results in a rougher surface that tends to reject the applied color, particularly around the roots.

When faced with hair that doesn’t take color after bleaching, the reasons could include damage, inadequate processing time, or the use of an inappropriate developer. For the most effective solution, it is advisable to seek professional advice.

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